
First Published by First Call Golf

SOUTHERN PINES, NC (DECEMBER 8, 2022) – The recent power outages in Moore County, NC as a result of a deliberate act to damage area substations left thousands of people and businesses in the dark for several days. In response to the crisis, the Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Aberdeen Area Convention and Visitors Bureau has launched a special website featuring links to local businesses, so people can purchase gift cards, or plan to visit the area and support local businesses during the holiday season. The website provides links to area shops, restaurants and hotels that lost business during the critical holiday buying season.

“For many of our local businesses, the holiday season is their most profitable part of their year and a loss of several days of revenue is a huge blow to them,” said Phil Werz, president and CEO of the Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Aberdeen Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). “We encourage people to go to the website, buy a gift card, or several, and support our local businesses that need the cash flow now. Better yet, plan a visit to Moore County and support our local businesses by shopping, dining and staying overnight.”

The website can be found at


” I shared this article today because so many of us have fond memories of this area playing multiple junior tournaments on local area golf courses, including of course the USKids Golf World Championships.”  – Rich Roberts, Founder, JuniorGolf USA