

There was plenty on offer at the Malcolm Cup.


Chrissy carried Harold’s bag and was the unofficial chaperone of the group, teaching pace, reminding who had the honor, keeping track of who was keeping track of each other’s scores. They whipped around fast as they could, 75 minutes of birdies, pars, bogeys and doubles. Before long, every competitor and their toting parents gathered around the starter shed to hand in their scores. The top eight would advance to match play. Anyone else who wanted to keep playing would be grouped up for separate nine-hole rounds. There were still four more trophies to give out.

The tournament official began reading the names of the lucky eight advancing to match play. Aedan’s name came first. Luke’s came next. Harold and Harvey waited next to each other, anxious to see if their score was good enough. Finally, Harold’s name was called, followed immediately by Harvey’s. Their faces said it all — a blend of Wow, I made it and Hoo boy, here comes match play. All four players from the group had made it to match play, and now they were about to compete head-on. They grabbed their scorecard and bags and eagerly turned to the 1st tee.