By: Dr Steve Hannant, PsyD.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” ~ Lao-Tzu
Walking meditation is a form of meditation while moving. While walking we utilize all our senses and become mindful of our experience. In walking meditation we use the experience of walking as our focus turning a physical activity into a mind-body and possibly spiritual endeavor. During the exercise we try to keep our awareness involved with each step and breath.
There are several different kinds of walking meditation, although the common themes amongst them are basically the same.
Walking meditation involves attention of the mind and body and thus acts as a self-regulation exercise. Practicing self-regulation techniques inherently improves one’s self-awareness.
This wonderful side of effect of mental training will allow your mind to be able to handle more stress by helping you cope with and reduce stress at this same time.
• Stress is everywhere and abundant
• We cannot eliminate stress, but we can improve how we deal with it
Stress tolerance helps…
1. Increase productivity
2. Enhance creativity
3. Promote optimal experiences
4. Reduce thoughts that contribute to feeling bad
5. Reduce the health consequences (i.e., mental and physical damage)
When free from distractions or mental interference (e.g., negative thoughts) we lesson stress while opening the doors to creativity and the possibility of “Peak Performance.”
Mental Training leads to strong mental abilities that help reduce stress and increase the likelihood of Peak Performance.
Start Mental Training today with a simple walking activity…
Mindful Walking
1. Mindful walking is mindfulness-based practice that uses present moment awareness of the mind/body/nature connection to improve the quality of mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.
2. When you apply a few simple techniques, you can turn any walk into a rewarding mental training practice.
Basic Technique
1. While walking, focus your awareness on your breathing. Use this focus on the breath as a way grounding or returning to center.
2. Next, notice any of nature’s sights, sounds, or your own physical sensations that may come up. Focus your awareness of these senses for only a moment, and then return your awareness to your breathing.
3. If persistent thoughts distract you from your mindful awareness, simply notice them, and ”let go” by return your awareness to your breathing.
Practice this basic exercise during your next round of golf in between holes. Mindful walking will help clear your mind in preparation for your next great shot. Remember your next shot just may be your greatest shot ever!
By: Dr Steve Hannant, PsyD.